Psychological Trauma Screens
Research-supported tools for screening and assessing trauma exposure and traumatic stress symptoms. Download free or subscribe annually for unlimited web-based self-administration and report generation.
Lifetime trauma and violence exposure is ubiquitous in the United States and across the globe. Trauma exposure can happen whether you are old or young. Studies have shown that 1 in 5 children under the age of 6 years are trauma exposed. By the time children become adolescents, more than 70% have been exposed to trauma at some point in their lives. By adulthood, you are the rare person who has not been exposed to something potentially traumatic in your lifetime.

This has helped to improve services in systems such as child welfare, juvenile justice, schools, adult prison, and primary care. This is important, especially given that some of these systems have higher base-rates of trauma exposure, and particularly violent forms of trauma known to confer higher risk for impairment.
Child Welfare and Justice-involved youth have been exposed to as many as
types of trauma exposures that are often chronic and pervasive. This is true in other high-risk populations as well.
To this end, the tools we have developed are designed to identify trauma exposure and related symptoms for the purposes of assessing risk and connecting trauma-exposed individuals to the services they need to effectively recover.
These tools can be administered online with the option to read content aloud, score responses, and generate a report for documentation or referral purposes. The paper measures are in the public domain and can also be downloaded from this website.